The Mo & Sally Show

The Mo & Sally Show

Mo and Sally are a married morning show, and they have been doing radio in South Florida since 1999 and have been doing a show together since 1994....Full Bio


Texas Woman Tries To Crash A 4th of July Parade On Her Tractor

We're surprised this didn't happen in Flori-DUH. A 61-year-old woman was arrested in Texas after flooring her beat up old tractor through a 4th of July parade and hitting a chain link fence.

Now you can just tell by this video that this woman is a mess. Apparently she just showed up to the parade expecting to be able to be a part of it, even though she never properly registered to take part. It doesn't get much more redneck than this folks! We hope this woman gets the help that she needs.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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