Sally's Recipe of the Week

Sally's Recipe of the Week

Sally invites you into her kitchen while she cooks up delicious recipes!Full Bio


Sally's Recipe of the Week: Spicy Mushroom Chili

Sally's Recipe Of The Week: Spicy Mushroom Chili
Sponsored by: The Cleveland Clinic

Here is what you will need:

         2 8 ounce containers of sliced mushrooms
         1 large onion, chopped
         1 red bell pepper, diced
         1 poblano pepper, diced
         2 ears of corn, cut from the cob
         1 or 2 jalapeno peppers diced
         4 cloves garlic, sliced
         3 TBS chili powder
         1 TBS cumin powder
         1 TBS coriander powder
         1 tsp chipotle powder
         1/2 cup of vegetable stock
          1/2 can of tomato puree (large can)
         olive oil, salt and pepper

          Heat some olive oil in 2 separate pots. Add onions to one and mushrooms to the other. Season
          onions with salt and pepper, do not season the mushrooms. 

         When the onions start to get soft, add the peppers to the pot.

          When the mushrooms begin to soften, add the stock. Let them cook down slowly.

         Add the spices and garlic to the onion/pepper mixture.

         Toss in the corn and stir it in.

         Add in the tomato puree .

         Add in the cooked down mushrooms and the liquid.

                             Let it simmer for a while to get the flavors a chance to blend, taste and
                             adjust seasoning if necessary.

                             Enjoy your chili!

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