So, not running in the society circles, and living an hour south...I guess I miss some things. Like where we had our quarterly company meeting this past Thursday: The National Croquet Center on Florida Mango Drive. I used to play all the time as a kid, growing up in Maine. We had a fantastic yard with all kinds of hazards like rocks and hills. We played all summer the evening getting bitten by mosquitoes...ha-ha. It was a family tradition to have competitions (Along with Badminton). We were super competitive. It was a blast. But this Croquet wasn't my parents version with the flimsy wickets and cheap wooden mallets. These Mallets could do some serious damage! I supposed it's by design in case you are attacked by, say, wild boars while playing. Check out the video clip from our game and a few pics below. "FOUR!"...oh, wrong game sorry.